Women empowerment in the rural field is the single point agenda of Labannya. It’s a multi-folded approach for holistic rural development with continuous livelihood generation (site-specific) along with their skill development and safety-security to a great concern!
The organization is head by Mr. SAMIK G, IUCN-CEC as the Honorable President and Principal Consultant (about him) and Ms. MITHU B, as the Founder Secretary and Chief Functionary Officer (about her); followed by other board members, volunteers, associates and supporters, throughout the state of West Bengal.
This is worthwhile to mention that the LABANNYA has done various community welfare works over the last 14 years. Noticeably, the organization was restricted its operational areas within the Kolkata urban areas, till 2024. Basically it worked on Women Empowerment, Health and Cultural sectors as well, till 2024.
Interestingly, Labannya brings a drastic change and extended its territory both in terms of areas and activities just on 2025. It has already initiated the project SEM (Solar Enlighten Mission) in Gosaba block of Sundarbans. This is needless to mention, the project is first of its kind, undertaken by any Ngo in West Bengal!
A large number of poor Tiger Widows (mostly living alone) and Fisher Women of Indian Sundarbans are leading a miserable life due to lack of appropriate livelihood but to capture fish and crabs on the densely marshy rivulets, which are located closest proximity to the World Heritage Site, Sundarban Tiger Reserve (STR). Depending on the tide (tidal) situation, most times they have compelled to do so in the dark evening or night; resulting an instant death either by snake bite or crocodile fetch, almost in a regular interval! They do not have any alternative livelihood option and not even earn rupees 70/80 ($1) per day, if not less! This is a night mare for them to use a battery driven searchlight or solar lights, even! Dire poverty urges them to work and move in the dark without any protective gear! By adopting a long baseline survey in the vast territory and remotest villages of Sundarbans, the RBRF-Labannya has already identified the problem and all the individual sufferers. Now the organization took a very serious initiative and is providing Solar Lantern to each of them, so that they can at least get some relief in saving their lives from such accidents!
Input: Baseline Survey, Beneficiary Selection, Gifting of Solar Lanterns to the TWs. Output: Tremendous enthusiasm, safety feeling & increase in work forces as well. Outcome: Increase in mass awareness on using environment friendly solar power. Impact: Decrease in use of conventional energy and increase in women’s safety.
Initially, some 540 poor Tiger Widows and 2200 Fisher Women of Gosaba block, south 24 Pargana district, West Bengal are the beneficiaries of the project. The project has just launched on 15th January, 2025 and Labannya has already covered 40 beneficiaries (Tiger Widows) in four villages out of 51 villages of the said block.
To be very honest, there is no such funding partner or recognized sponsor as of now. But few are in pipeline. Allthough, the project is still ongoing with help and support of some members, socially responsible donors who feel the gravity of the project and its urgency on a humanitarian ground. We are really thankful to them.
Apart from the ongoing project SEM (Solar Enlighten Mission), the organization has three other plans in the same direction of Women Empowerment and on the same location of Gosaba block, 24 Pargana district (S), Sundarban, WB. Namely, the projects DLM (Digital Literacy Mission) and OFM (Organic Farming Mission).
MITHU B is a prominent name in kolkata’s cultural field, since the late 1980s. She has started her career as an excellent performing artist and stage performer at Star Theatre, Kolkata. Later, her career graph turned as a successful corporate and business professional for a prolonged period. Finally, she resumed her professional career and dedicated herself as a selfless social worker, in mission to women empowerment in the state of West Bengal, since 2011. She is the Founder Secretary of the non-profit Shyampukukur Labannya. “Now Labannya represents a concept, where the founder becomes irrelevant” she describes!
It is always difficult to brief a person like Samik G. He has been internationally known as a wildlife journalist, editor, Conservationist and desperate social worker for the last 35 years. His published papers and reports on forests and wildlife are numbered more than 600, coupled with 26 documentary films. He has also commissioned more than ten national-level community development projects in the remote forest and rural fields. He has also extended his valuable consultancy services to the Government/s and several NGOs, in several geographic locations of India. As an outcome of his vast works, he has been acclaimed by the honourable President of India, twice a time and has become a member of iucn-cec, since 2008 to till date!