Labannya’s first initiative in West Bengal is to provide Solar Lanterns to all the Tiger Widows of Indian Sundarbans, to increase their night safety and security as they belong to the poor of the poorest community and mostly live alone! To achieve the goal, all socially responsible individual citizens / organisations / corporate houses are cordially invited to join the mission and Donate or Sponsor SOLAR LANTERNS, at the number you feel fit. The Sponsorship cost for each Lantern is INR 2000/- to 2500/- ($23 to $28).
This is out of our long micro-level field survey and research in association with RBRF-Nature India Group at Sundarbans, we can find that the relation between Development and Downtrodden Population (DDP) becomes worse, especially for the landless struggles! Charity is the key component and the only silver lining towards the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 2030). Social responsibility should not be borne on the Government, but to the common citizens of the country too!
Many poor Fisher Women are leading a miserable life on the densely marshy delta of Sundarbans and are living scattered in the remotest villages. They belong to the unorganised, below-poverty-line community, who do not have alternative income but to collect fish and crabs on the densely forested tiger land; resulting in instant death either by tiger or crocodile attack, coupled with snake bite incidents, almost in regular intervals! They don’t even earn rupees 79/80 ($1), if not less! We are working hard to assemble public support to generate some site-specific alternative livelihood for them. So that, they can get rid of such a life-threatening profession! The ground reality demands your humanitarian support. So that we can make a difference, surely. Come forward and join us in leaving behind a humanitarian world!!
President & Principal Consultant
Founder Secretary & CFO
President & PC
Founder Secretary & CFO
Labannya has just initiated DLM to increase digital literacy among the rural women and to skilled them up for entrepreneurship development through an e-commerce platform.
Labannya’s Organic farming mission is already under an active pipeline to grow and serve organic foods, especially for urban consumers, in and around Kolkata city initially.
Labannya Eco-tourism division organises various charity, educational and premium tour programs for the sensitive citizens of India, as well as foreign guests at large.
MITHU B is a prominent name in kolkata’s cultural field, since the late 1980s. She has started her career as an excellent performing artist and stage performer at Star Theatre, Kolkata. Later, her career graph turned as a successful corporate and business professional for a prolonged period. Finally, she resumed her professional career and dedicated herself as a selfless social worker, in mission to women empowerment in the state of West Bengal, since 2011. She is the Founder Secretary of the non-profit Shyampukukur Labannya. “Now Labannya represents a concept, where the founder becomes irrelevant” she describes!
It is always difficult to brief a person like Samik G. He has been internationally known as a wildlife journalist, editor, Conservationist and desperate social worker for the last 35 years. His published papers and reports on forests and wildlife are numbered more than 600, coupled with 26 documentary films. He has also commissioned more than ten national-level community development projects in the remote forest and rural fields. He has also extended his valuable consultancy services to the Government/s and several NGOs, in several geographic locations of India. As an outcome of his vast works, he has been acclaimed by the honourable President of India, twice a time and has become a member of iucn-cec, since 2008 to till date!